Katie Holmes Hot Shots
Katie Holmes on pre-tom-cruise dynasty. She looks real hot. Lucky Tom. read more
Celebrity News, Gossips, Trips and Insanities US Weekly has named Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Couple of the Year. Second place took Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Read more here » Share This read more
Hollywood Zine Remember Tatum O'Neal, the daughter of Ryan O'Neal who at ten years old became the youngest ever actor to win an Acadamy Award. Well, as with most child stars, they grow up to be adults with serious problem - I did say MOST, not all! Tatum, it se... read more
My Yakkity Yak The pictures don't lie.? Mandy Moore, our favorite pop princess-cum-actress, is dating talented?(yet unfortunate-looking)?rocker Ryan Adams.? Poor girl.? First Because I Said So... and now this! read more
Wicked Youth
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